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Poppy Field
Poppy Field
Poppy Field
Poppy Field

mbcp audio & VIDEO RESOURCES

Poppy Field
Guided Audio Meditations
The following audio meditations are used with permission for the Mindful Birthing and Parenting Foundation's MBCP and MBCP Intensive classes and are free for students to download or stream. If you choose to "name your own price," all proceeds will be donated to the MBPF's scholarship funds.
Mindful Movement Videos

The following videos are used with permission for the Mindful Birthing and Parenting Foundation's MBCP and Mind in Labor classes.

Prenatal Yoga Videos

The following videos accompany the book Expecting Mindfully: Nourish Your Emotional Well-Being and Prevent Depression during Pregnancy and Postpartum by Sona Dimidjian and Sherryl H. Goodman and are used with permission for the Mindful Birthing and Parenting Foundation's MBCP and Mind in Labor classes.

Audio Resources

10-Minute Yoga Practice
25-Minute Yoga Practice

Additional Audio Meditations

The following audio meditations are used with permission for the Mindful Birthing and Parenting Foundation's MBCP and MIL classes and are free for students to download or stream. If you choose to "name your own price," all proceeds will be donated to the MBPF's scholarship funds.

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